I cant believe that while a Canada wide amber alert is in effect you choose to scroll "Breaking News EJ has a new app!"
I cant believe that while a Canada wide amber alert is in effect you choose to scroll "Breaking News EJ has a new app!"
Finally the Journal is showing its true colours. It always been a closet socialist rag, nice to see they have come clean on who they support.
Definitely preferred previous version colours, story size and ease of scrolling. I hoped other papers, like the Ottawa Citizen, would follow the Journals clean design instead of vice versa.
The banner colour is horrendous. The comment section on articles has disappeared. That real does not matter though, if they did not like your comment siding with their views it would not usually be posted.
This new update is not good the advertisement are too big and take away from the reading,the update is also very choppy on my phone. Over all I liked the old version better if I had to do it again I would have never updated. I also think the original color was better its the Edmonton journal color, it stands out and you know its the journal you are reading. But in the end it does not matter what color your information comes in
Slow to load, froze at one point in time when looking at an article. I have an older iPhone (4s) and this update is horrid on it. Will probably delete it if it doesnt stabilise.
Thanks for updating your interface! So much better than the original! Now, if you can update that share button to include and allow sharing via means other than just Email, Twitter, Facebook, that would be so great!
Okay but doesnt have comments now
New logo and banners are ugly shade of orange, not a fan of the font and adds are HUGE. Epic fail
I do like the larger font and very distinct story separation. However, lots of ads now. I also feel as if the stories are not finished....Ill read thinking ok there must be more?! It seems more like a snippet vs the full story. I also liked the old version where previous or related articles were linked below. Thats gone now too. Overall. I dont like it. Go backkkkkkk
The new app has way more ads and a terrible colour scheme. Aside from being very pro NDP its not very professional. Also the fonts are too large as if older people read through the app a lot and dont have their text sizes blown up already.
The old version was much better than this, I guess Ill go back to sun media as they tell the story not headlines and then leave you hanging. Lame!
I pretty well only read my journal subscription on my phone. I updated to the new version because they replaced the local news section with a prompt to update. The app crashes nearly every time I open it. When it does open it takes forever to respond. Aside from theses failing the redesign was claimed to give more attention to local stories but I found the opposite. The local news section is replaced by EJ live or something and it reads like a cross between buzzfeed and storify. Quality of the articles is very low and the curation of articles omits many of the stories I want to read. Canceling my subscription at the end of the month if this is not resolved.
Im using the updated app in iOS9 and most stories crash the entire app. I know its not iOS9. Can you fix this?
I do not actually purchase the news, I relied on the old app to allow me to know about the city I live in, well, for free. Guess Ill just live in the unknown for now.
The orange logo is making it really hard to make me want to use this app.
Slow! Always crashes...delete. Guess Ill get my news elsewhere.
Previous app was better. Dislike the color. Dislike the large lotto ads.
Well, you didnt follow through on my last request to have more options of forwarding an article. Your new app also doesnt allow me to finish reading the story on my iPhone. It appears I can only scroll so far then it says to swipe to next story. But....I can see the current story continues! Why cant I read more? #Fail
I have 3 things to say; 1) what is with this new colour, really?orange? The blue was classic. 2) the ads, is it necessary that they are THAT large? 3) please re-understand what breaking news is, quite frustrating when Im getting alerted about football. (No offence to the football fans out there). Id like true breaking news alerts.